Make sure you have an account with us before you order your first bundle

Order a Bundle by filling in the form below :


We will send you and invoice and payment details when we email you the completed bundle(s)

Name of Firm Your Name E-mail Case Name (as you wish it to appear on the bundle) Name of Court Time Estimate of Trial (if Known) Date of Trial (if Known)
Would you like us to provide a file front-sheet?
Yes please
No, we have drafted one and will upload it to dropbox labeled "Front-sheet"
How would you like the index prepared?
Please prepare one from scratch as per the example on your website
We have prepared an index and uploaded it to dropbox, please add bookmarks and hyperlinks as needed
If you'd like us to prepare your index, do you have any specific instructions such as what sections to include etc? Is there anything else you need to make us aware of? Please select the date you require the bundle by Submit